

9 Month Relational Living Program: Re-calibrate, Re-organize, Re-engage with Your Life

(Not your average transformational program)


Have you been circling life and not fully living it?
Are you craving the inspiration and bravery
to live your KNOWING? Curious about how to take your NetworkSpinal care to the next level?

Here’s the thing... what if you already have everything you need, except for:

Imagine tipping the scales and your life being more vibrant than it already is.


Evolve’s Relational Living Programs are designed for practice members who are focused on growth, currently in NetworkSpinal care, and want to go further. SFA is the most concentrated and in-depth Relational Living teachings offered by Dr. Peg & Dr. Joie. This is the cornerstone of the Relational Living offerings and the next one begins in September 2025. 

If your life doesn’t include your the body, it isn’t your life. If you’re not responding, modulating and creating from the signals of your body, this isn’t your life, either. Inevitably it is unsustainable, incongruent or both. 

People  often ask: how can I learn or do more in NetworkSpinal care?

SFA is one way that you can BE and LIVE more fully beyond just getting on the table.

Is your interest peaked?


We have this one wild and precious life…
Why not Stop F*@king Around?

There is a lot of talk about nervous systems regulation – your body is where your nervous system lives.


Are you trying to understand your nervous system Or are you f*@king living it?


For example, let’s say that you move at a slower pace for your creativity or connection than your partner(s), co-workers, culture.  Can you discover and organically live as you are in your most resourced being? Can you make space for that instead of apologizing, hiding, or fixing that?


Questions like this are at the heart of SFA.  


I am ready to apply to this 9 month journey of well crafted progressive monthly intensive experiences! 


Below are specific ways previous SFA'rs have experienced growth.


Align with what you’ve been calling for…


Past struggle, plateau and triumph will no longer determine how you play out your future


Be more YOU in all aspects of your life 


Shape the world around you and be shaped


Reorganize your life around your values 


Shift from wandering to focus & lead with more confidence, humility and humanity


Organically move as you are in your most resourced being



Start conversations with more intimacy and depth - from the banal to the most meaningful

SFA 2024-2025 Schedule
Each Month: A Zoom Call Wednesday 7-8:30pm
& An In Person Friday 5:30-8:30pm

Module One

The Container

Friday Sept 13th
Wednesday Sept 25th

Module Two

The Fuel

Friday Oct 18th
Wednesday Oct 30th

Module Three

The Lens

Friday Nov 8th
Wednesday Nov 20th

Module Four


Friday Dec 6th
Wednesday Dec 18th

Module Five

Bringing it all Together

Friday Jan 17th
Wednesday Jan 29th

Module Six

One and Only You

Friday Feb 14th
Wednesday Feb 26th

Module Seven


Friday Mar 14th
Wednesday Mar 26th

Module Eight

Applying to Your Life

Friday April 11th
Wednesday April 23rd

Module Nine

Now What?

Friday May 9th
Wednesday May 21st



You already know us from our work as NetworkSpinal docs and, we’re excited to share more of who we are as your SFA program guides. 

The first SFA program ran from March-October 2023. A budding community developed among the wonderful participants who joined. We had an incredible time, and were inspired to add a few more modules to the program to amplify success outcomes. 

What we hope to create together:

  • * Fertile landscape for growth, change and evolution
  • * Expanded bandwidth with each “Layer” 
  • * Room to play
Dr. Joie Mazor, D.C. and Dr. Peg Capers, D.C.


> In the info session, you’ll get a sense of the community we co-create and we will walk you through an overview of the program including how it came about, why now, and your invitation to join if now is the time for you!

> To offset socioeconomic structure/status- we are offering tiered pricing. More on this in the application and applicant interview.

🐦 Early  bird pricing for those who fully enroll by Sept 1st

Is your interest peaked?


SFA is a unique program to build on the NetworkSpinal care you receive at Evolve Wellness Studio.

A: The application of NetworkSpinal in office visits allows your nervous system to recognize and develop more effective and efficient neurological strategies to respond and adapt to life stresses. It addresses current, cumulative, historical references, and responses to moments of trauma, overwhelm, or uncertainty that default to reflexive lower brain function in all humans. 

“The shape, position, tension and tone of your spine determines the shape, position, tension, and tone of your life.”

~Donald Epstein, D.C., founder of NetworkSpinal

Through spinal entrainments (adjustments), precognitive reactions to the physical, emotion, and sense of self are allowed to move through necessary brain-body development, for new growth for the nervous system and person. The novel upgraded interactions between the brain and the body allow for a shift in the interaction between the person and the external world, enhancing

interpersonal relationships and executive brain function. This behooves all individuals in a

multitude of ways.

You must both be currently receiving NetworkSpinal care, and intend to continue throughout the SFA program. The supportive nature of this care is the foundation upon which we expand in SFA. Your care allows for your system to integrate more fully and efficiently. Your facilitators will help you figure out the best frequency of care during the program to support your overall goals during your Applicant Call – after you’ve completed the application, you can schedule this time to meet with the facilitators.

A: This Relational Living Program is not for everyone. It is the specific opportunity for individuals to deepen their understanding of the nervous system as a tool to create strong relationships – for teams, families, businesses, and communities. Through experiential exercises, lecture and practice, the program supports not only integration, but also application. The result of taking the neuro-behavioral optimization of your NetworkSpinal care from the table into life provides tools and framework for being better in relationships, especially when there are differences. The dynamic approach to integrating the nervous system provides skillsets, upgrades, and increases the bandwidth for seeing and being with what is needed in all of our interactions. From here, individuals and groups can co-create novel outcomes. The program is ideal for those wanting to make a difference, increase their impact and improve their leadership and participation.

A: The content, activities and time together allow for practice and time being with self and others for you to experience yourself in new ways and reflection with others. All of this deepens and anchors into your nervous system aspects that living-into require. Through the SFA program, we co-create the context that lets you take more steps into that living.

A: Time is one of our most precious resources ~ this is the truth! It is also true that time is necessary for ingredients to gel in a recipe for the best flavor… While healing may happen in an instant, here, we are going for integration. From studying the nervous system for a combined 3+ decades, we’ve observed time and time again that in order to make the most sustainable change, the nervous system requires opportunities to interface on multiple levels. Too much and too fast lead to overwhelm; this is true with information as well as experience.

Keep reading the FAQ’s! You will learn how and why we’ve crafted the program for the most benefit and biggest possible outcomes with you in mind (and heart)!

“For faster acting relief, try slowing down” ~Lily Tomlin

A: We won’t know if it will ever be offered again (though we hope it will be an annual offering!) so, this is your chance. Let us know that you are interested and you will be amongst the first to hear about it if we are offering it again, -so you can clear your schedule!

A: There are multiple factors involved in why SFA occurs on Friday & Wednesday evenings in this extended program format. Here are #2: 

1st -Parts of your nervous system will naturally be less engaged, having been your primary parts of engagement during your work week. Our society highly values your mental faculties, however if upgrading to the most beautiful life were as easy as using this aspect, well then we would have read the book about it, and in doing so, it would already be happening. 

2nd -While your mind takes a break, many of the other aspects will get to engage more fully, in new ways, and initiate (vs come in passively afterwards). You will be primed for our SFA time in one of the juiciest places of potential activation. This will actually help your system to ‘get it’ and apply newly developed strategies for change. Remember we are creating an incredible space for your nervous system to interface, add on to what you’ve ‘got’, and to create new pathways. It may seem counterintuitive, but roll with us and you’ll see the benefit of accessing you in one of the most sought after states. 

3rd – This is SFA – of course we are going to do it NEW, WEIRD, and RADICAL ~ that’s what you’re here for, right!?!

A: Missing sessions are NOT RECOMMENDED. You will see the dates and times of our sessions are available to you further up on this page. Please do your best to clear your schedule, so you can join the community! 

*A note on coming as you are: Sometimes we are in a great mood, other times not… This is life, right? Your facilitators are focused on your evolution, our collective growth, and supporting your system to engage. This can be comfortable, new, uncomfortable, and challenging to strategies that are hard-won to keep you in the illusion of safety. When we fight to show up perfectly, your systems are skirting around change, and aiming for surviving the moment. Can you relate? Strategies like this were likely incredible when they were initiated and probably kept us safe when we couldn’t do anything else. In the SFA community, together we co-create inherent safety, so that all of your parts (and mine) get to come upgrade with all of our parts! This happens more efficiently in our collective! 

You are an important part of the community. Please arrive on time!

A: The SFA program is the most comprehensive Relational Living course currently available supporting to fully be your most fabulous self, living your most empowered life.

What you’re getting: In-person and live opportunities! Participating in this way with your facilitators opens doors!

You get to do SFA in community primarily because you get more out of participating with each other – your nervous system takes in, integrates & digests and then applies with many strategies, -and we intend to hit them all! 

Past SFA participants shared that they really learned a lot from each other in the program. This is value added to the already potent program content! This is profound stuff! We have been told that we over deliver and that it was not possible to put a price on what participants got from the material, experiences and community. Doing this in community handles some of the costs to facilitate plus helps you in in numerous ways. *More on the program investment in the application process! 

You will also have access to your SFA journal and carefully curated supplemental materials that add to the experience for you. 

A: There are no prerequisite courses to have completed prior to signing up for SFA. You are encouraged to come as you are. The application process is designed to help you sort through if this is the time and place for you to get the most from participating in this powerful program.

A: Your facilitators start crafting and tailoring the program for you and your goals and needs. The short answer is there will be no refunds for this program once it begins. You are in the company of exquisite facilitators who are here to co-create a community of those intending to upgrade their lives and Stop F*@king Around. We will do our best to support you. 

A: The short answer is that developing more specificity and efficiency within your nervous system, intimacy within ourselves and community are created and established over time. How do you eat an elephant? -This program is meant to be digestible! This is counter culture – to do things with consistency, so that we create a community that can support us as we delve, develop, inquire and evolve our landscape of relating. It is worth it – you are worth it!

A: The SFA program is a road map, and each month gorgeously builds on the next. Participating in the program does not qualify you to be you – already have that permission in spades! You won’t receive a certificate or a degree, or even a pat on the back. What you will get is stretched; you’ll gain skills, you’ll develop new ways of being and doing relationships, and life. You are opting in to developing more range in your foundations ~ and for life to be more purposeful and to engage more as you center relationality. The design is not to limit what parts of you or your life experience this, but to support this to extend and expand through you and your community… the world needs this – and you! Are you in!?


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