Welcome to Evolve Wellness Studio, a Santa Cruz Network Chiropractic Care center headed by Dr. Peg Capers, Doctor of Chiropractic.

In my practice, I facilitate you and your body to access your own healing abilities via specific tools that help you to connect with your body which organically empowers you to make lifestyles changes and help you naturally heal more easily on your own.

I do this by utilizing a progressive and advanced type of spinal care, gentle in nature and powerful in range of results.

Advancing New Strategies for Healing & Healthy Living in our Ever Evolving Changing World.

A new model of health and wellness care,  Reorganizational Healing, integrates three essential components: the Four Seasons of Well-being, the Triad of Change, and the Five Energetic Intelligences as put forth by founder Dr. Donald Epstein, DC. One key facet of Reorganizational Healing–  Network Spinal Analysis, applies specific low force touches to the spine, opens up and unblocks the brain in developing new life strategies for dealing with:

You Can Transform

Reorganizational Healing makes it easy for you to assess your body’s needs and the wisdom of the messages  within your body to help you create sustainable transformation.

Our subconscious drives 97% of our decisions and characteristics in life. Many times, that subconscious is difficult to access without proper education, practice, and support.

The answers to our personal and professional challenges are deep rooted in our subconscious, and no matter how difficult it is to access this kind of information, reorganizational healing helps to connect us with ourselves; our bodies and our minds.

By understanding how mind controls the body and vice versa, we are able to transform the way we think about our particular situation in life.  In turn, our body also responds differently to previous stressors and challenges allowing for new healing for old and current health issues.

Network Spinal Analysis (NSA) promotes an increase in physical, emotional, and mental flexibility, as well as a greater sense of peace and wellness in your body and life.

NSA is a path to wellness, which awakens your spine in order to help it discover your nervous system, thereby giving you the necessary energy to  respond to various facets of your life by instinctively readjusting and reorganizing. It has a profound impact on transforming patterns of tension in the body, which allows for more ease in the changes of life. NSA utilizes gentle and precise contacts, prompting your nervous system to locate and spontaneously release and regulate tension in the body.

When you first set up an appointment, I get to know you and your spine in depth to personalize your care to the greatest extent, I see how your body and spine have learned to store tension in response to your life through postural analysis and spinal exam  and we see where your nerve system and spine holds the potential to create significant changes in your body and  life.  Together, we specifically design a care plan for a series of visits for care and learning auxiliary tools for us to get results.

Curious to see how this care will work for you?

Make your introductory appointment now, please click here to email,  or

call (831) 420-1212.

I had an auto accident four months ago. I thought I went to Peg for my neck pain. I admit that the subtle touch of Network chiropractic left me ambivalent and wondering. How could such gentle movement and touch effect change and give relief? I was committed to my "entrainments", as the treatments are called. One day my pain was so intense I cried. I could not even place my hands on the rests beneath the table. I went to see Peg and that night the pain completely went away! This demonstration of gentle intelligent healing leading to powerful and immediate change cemented my faith in Peg's medicine. What I now know is that the Peg's "adjustments" effected multiple layers of my consciousness, released grief, tension and pain. The treatment sessions and "homework" integrated the compartmentalized issues drowned by daily life and defenses. I am now aware of my body, my mind's ability to direct tension for release and more comfort and allowing what is true for me right now. Thank you, thank you Peg.


I came to see Dr. Peg for back pain that was so severe that I had recently undergone two rounds of cortisone injections into the lower spine, to no avail. I must say I was skeptical and only entered care based on strong recommendations from some friends that had been helped. Dr Peg was able to deliver where the cortisone shots failed. My sciatic pain, that had previously caused severe back issues has been completely eliminated. I recently traveled through Asia, putting on 26,000 air miles over two weeks. I returned home, golfed the next day, and broke 90 for the first time. That was only possible because of Dr. Peg’s care. You should check this care out. It works.

Here's what other well known figures around the world say about Network Chiropractic:

Anthony Robbins
Anthony RobbinsEntrepreneur, #1 NY Times Best-Selling Author, Philanthropist, and the Nation’s #1 Life and Business Strategist
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"Network Spinal Analysis and Somato Respiratory Integration, Donny Epstein’s revolutionary methodologies, are amongst the most powerful sources of personal transformation I have ever experienced or seen." I am stronger, more inspired, creative and healthy because of this work. It has personally and professionally helped me to maximize my ability to contribute to others.
Deepak Chopra
Deepak ChopraM.D.
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“Network Care inspires us to trust the healing power within.”
Candace Pert, Ph.D.
Candace Pert, Ph.D. Professor of Research Georgetown University, Author of Molecules of Emotion
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"Network Spinal Analysis represents the epitome of "body" work in our time; the leading edge of body-mind-spirit integration. This work will transform the planet."

Contact us to learn more about how our care can help you in your path to increased well-being and awareness.

120 Pearl Alley

Santa Cruz, CA 95060


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Personal Therapy

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Personal Therapy

Aret oporteat inciderint te est. Sed no errem deseruisse. Consequat cotidieque qui id, ceteros electram eos in.
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Aret oporteat inciderint te est. Sed no errem deseruisse. Consequat cotidieque qui id, ceteros electram eos in.
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Aret oporteat inciderint te est. Sed no errem deseruisse. Consequat cotidieque qui id, ceteros electram eos in.
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Anger Management

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Anger Management

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Communication Skills

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Communication Skills

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Aret oporteat inciderint te est. Sed no errem deseruisse. Consequat cotidieque qui id, ceteros electram eos in.
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History of Recovery

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Suas bonorum legendos ad qui, sed vitae munere suscipiantur no.
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Suas bonorum legendos ad qui, sed vitae munere suscipiantur no.
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Suas bonorum legendos ad qui, sed vitae munere suscipiantur no.


Suas bonorum legendos ad qui, sed vitae munere suscipiantur no.
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Pricing Plans

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Hourly Fee

$ 170
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  • Upfront Cost and Expectancy
  • No Overcharges
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Flat Fee

$ 2,500
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  • Upfront Cost and Expectancy
  • No Overcharges
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